Hi yaya! For all those who were consumed in this backyard house to house journey. Have you ever seen a grown man cry at the bottom of a mountain and say, please"Please God help me.me?" Inch by inch, step by step, I was finally able to reach the top.Had I had a napsackknapsack I carried with me for what I treasurestreasured most.Strenth Strength, endurance, versatityversatility, stability, caring, love, ectetc. to mention a few. At the top of the mountain I finally had emptied the baggage that has deterred me from excelling in life.Finally I am finally able to climb higher than that mountain will allow me. Hey, you never know. P.S. Sorry to disappoint you all in this on going saga.Good A good friend and idol said to me, don't"Fon't need time to heelheal or need to. But beware and think wisely because theirthere are more bloody, evil cows waiting for their next victim." Again, Thankyouthank you from the bottom of my heart.For forgiving me strength, care, love, and mostly support; for helping me get here, standing tall and proud today. Bless you allall! Love, David

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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