This study aims to investigate the substantial amount of information and sufficient knowledge belonging to the most prominent social and economic effects related to the layoff of employees working in government and private sector institutions in Al Dakhiliyah region in Oman, which emerged as a result of the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic.
We realize the importance of the job for individuals and understand how difficult it is to deprive employees of the right to own a job through which they translate their ability to work. Depriving individuals of a job without prior notice is
a tampering with their material and moral rights. Therefore, we as a team would like to study in depth the bitterness of the harsh living conditions experienced by individuals laid off from work and consider their rights with compassion, kindness and utmost concern. We hope that this study will be a reason through which we can reach the causes and effects of the sudden layoff of employees and find appropriate and effective solutions that restore the employees' right to return to work and complete their career path.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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