There are various reasons, why do people attend colleges or universities. EveryEach student will have a different answers onanswer to this questions. But in this assayessay I will talk, about the main reasons for enrolling in college or university. First things first, theThe first thing that comes up bymotivation for a large number of the students is the chance of gettingto get better job. Nowadays plenty of highhighly paid jobs demandrequire that employees withhave a university degree. To answer why I will nameThe second reason for attainting ina university. A known fact indegree is that university/college students obtain particularacquire specific skills that are mandatory for their future profession, that are not only mandatory while doing your job, but also you can’t learn it inand cannot be learned outside of school, or it would be really hard to learn it yourself, forindependently. For example, becoming a doctorphysician, one of the most difficult profession out of other ones. Itprofessions, requires both high knowledge and experience, because every second determines of patientspatients' wellbeing. It’s true that youone can learn anatomy, chemistry and generally biology on yourone's own, but it’s impossible to experience stuffs,have the skill-building experiences that medical university students experience, because of that person with university degree would be more competent as other onesare given to competently practice. The lestLast, but not least, is to improvethe improvement of social skills bythrough meeting more educated people. Not only you obtainis deeper knowledge, about subjects, gained that will help in future to have more lasting conversationconversations, but also university and colleges are also the best places to learn about diverse cultures. Nowadays enrolling into foreign universityuniversities became really trendy, that’s. That’s why lots of classes have multicultural students, and talking with them will help youhelps to improve yourone's vision aboutof the world.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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