Indian government conductconducts civil service exam every year, in thatthe passing rate of the state Tamilnadu is very low in this year.
Over 829 successful candidates
from Tamilnadu hold only 7%; i.e. 60 members. Last year only 45 were passed in the exam. Over the past 5 years only 5 to 7% of the people were able to clear the UPSC exam. In 2010 a girl named Divyadharshini got 1st in all India ranking from 2010 to till now. noNo one from Tamilnadu is able to get 1st rank in UPSC.
“In 2014, 150 candidates from the state cleared the exam which was more than 10% of the total successful candidates. The increase this year is mainly due to improved performance in optional subjects like public administration and sociology,” said
S.Chandru, academic head, Shankar IAS academy, Chennai.
Many scholars such as Saithai Duraiswamy IAS from Tamilnadu said that lack of books is a major setback for those who want to take the exam in Tamil. Candidates are reluctant to take the exam in Tamil but they have to translate and read what it is in English.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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