Dear Elena Campolli,
Hi, I am Alex Stevano
,. I hope you are well. I applied to you for an internship at Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Italia SpA on 28/09/2021. You also returnedresponded to me in a very short time and you shared Carolina Gargano's e-mail with me, in. In that time I could not thank you in order to not to waste your time again. Here, I would like to thank you very much for your return. The reason for writing this e-mail is, is to inquire if the evaluation process about internship applicationsapplications is still ongoing or has it ended? I'm sorry, I was wondering if you could make an evaluation about my application at this stage. If you were able to evaluate my application, I am waiting for your positive or negative feedback.
Kind regards,

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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