InformingThis is to inform you about the future goals.
On 7 April, 2021, I was requested a letter on the 7 April 2021 which explains aboutto write a letter explaining my future goals and plans. I ask forgiveness forgiveness for my inconvenience up to today that made mydelay in writing the letter this delayuntil now.
AsWhile I am working as a partner of the school office., I am also planning to complete my AdvanceAdvanced Level examinations and start a degree based on a subject that will help me to start my couriercareer as a teacher. During the above time period, after the completion of Advance level examinationthe Advanced Level examinations, I would appreciate it if I amcould be appointed as a teacher by examiningupon examination of my qualifications. I hope to provide a valuable service to Wesley collegeCollege. Thank you.
Yours faithfully,

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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