Leadership styles
Psychologist Kurt Lewin developed his framework in the 1930s, and it provided the foundation of many of the approaches that followed afterwards. He argued that there are three major styles of leadership:
Autocratic leaders: Leader makes decisions without reference to anyone else.
Democratic leaders: Encourages decision making from different perspectives.
Laissez-faire: 'Let it be'
- leadership responsibilities are shared by all.

In addition to the three styles identified by Lewin and his colleagues, researchers have described numerous other characteristic patterns of leadership. A few of the best-known include:
Transformational Leadership: employs enthusiasm and charisma to inspire his followers
Transactional Leadership: employs punishments and rewards for motivating followers.
Situational Leadership: employs his/her style and approach to diverse circumstances.
Encyclopedia Britannica (2021)
pursuesstates that Jeffrey Preston Bezos is an American entrepreneur who, in 1994, founded and led Amazon.com, Inc., an online retailer of books and later a wide range of products, making it one of the world's leading e-commerce companies. Bezos is known to be a task-oriented transactional leader. Stone (2013) describes Bezos as a micromanager with rigorous standards who is often uninterested in other people’s opinions. This could be termed as transactional leadership. According to Northhouse (2016), transactional leaders influence because it is in the best interest of subordinates to do what the leaders want.

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