I might hadhave unconsciously createcreated BOB ,back in 1990, ,when iI saw the first Episode of Twin Peaks and iI wanted to prove to myself that we all have our bright side.
BOB was a possessing spirit, believed to originate from the mythical Black Lodge. He spent most of his time on Earth possessing human beings, committing horrific acts to "harvest" pain and sorrow (known as "garmonbozia") from those around him. While inhabiting a human, BOB's true form
, could only be seen by the gifted .
So BOB became a part of my life.
startstarted to keep Bob's DairyDiary back in 2010 .
I used only
watercolors, pencils and inks .
The whole
Bob'Dairyof Bob's diary contains a number of 10000 and more(10,000) original works .
I llI'll drop 365 collected works of them as the first phrase of this collection .
After all these years
, BOB became my buddy .
He knows when
iI know ... and he feels when iI feel.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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