The United States constitutionConstitution is the foundation of the criminal justice system in America. This historical document has specifications and a purpose. Toto develop a union that will have the upmost powerutmost powerful set of rules for the criminal justice in America. The BranchesThrough checks and balances, the branches of Government, Checks and Balances hasgovernment have been divided into three branches, all three holdholding different power. The Legislativepowers: the legislative, executive, and judicial. These branches were all designed by the United States Constitution Article 1, ranwhich was developed by the Legislative branchlegislative branch, which comes up with the laws of our country. ArticleAccording to Article 11, the executive branch theiris responsible for seeing the laws through. For an example, this branch basically makingmakes sure theythat the laws are obeyed (carrying out and enforcing the laws). TheMoreover, per Article 111, the judicial branch of the government is more of a concern ofconcerned with all of courts inat the governmental level. For an example, Thethe federal, state, and local government officials are expected to say what laws have been made (interpreted(interpreting the laws passed) and provide verbal information on the laws( condition withlaws (condition of government courts systemscourt systems). Checks and balancebalances are a system of power of its own; it’s dividedit divides the government into three branches. OneIf one of the branch’sbranches is not doing the right things it has the other two to keep them in check. So the, so they will always be functioning in accordingly.

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