When I opened the collection of the photographs we had to analyze, this image immediately caught my attention. It gave off a very dark vibe, and me, being a big fan of spooky things that creep me out a little, I decided not to think too long and try to describe this photography from my perspective.
I would be lying if I said that this picture is pleasant for me to look at
,; actually, if I'm being fullytotally honest, it gives me this uneasy and uncomfortable feeling, and I think itthat might have been the artist's intention.

To me
, this image represents reality, and as we all know, life is not always smiles and butterflies,; sometimes, and a lot of the timestimes it's unfair, dark and even ugly.

Looking at this photo we can't even tell that the woman is
bindblind until we read her sign. Her one eye is fully open and even though she's blind it still feels like she's looking somewhere, and her facial expressions contain sorrow, anger and pain all together. It's like she's angry and helpless,. I feel like her open eye represents how one might look at the surroundings and be overwhelmed with the feeling of unfairness of the world. She may not see literally, but she still knows how things are.

I still think this is a very beautiful work of art, because it shows
howwhat reality is like.

It's not taken in a studio with special surroundings, special lighting and makeup. It's a real person, with real emotions and a background story
, simply caught on camera.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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