Dear Sue Williams.,

I thank you for your email regarding my daughter's British passport application (
Sundus Abdulqadir NURNUR). I know that her certificate shows her name as Sundus Abdulqadir Nur Mohamed. But, but she can't use my grandfather's name. She can use my father's name, which is Nur not Mohamed, I use Mohamed. TurkishThe Turkish authority, (thethe registry officoffice when we were registering registered our daughter Sundus Abdulqadir Nur. The registry office they, followed what was written in my passport was written, as well as my registration certificate. ThereforeIn my passport is written as Abdulqadir Nur Mohamed. They, so they put the wholeall these names in her certificate. Therefore, there is no problem. You, you can continue issuing for my daughter's British passport as Sundus Abdulqadir Nur.
We are going to submit a letter from her mother giving her consent to a British passport as soon as possible.

Her first name is Sundus
Middle name: Abdulqadir
Surname: Nur.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards

Abdulqadir Nur Mohamed.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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