HAPPY BDAYYYY!!! From the minute iI met you iI never felt happier, your. Your laugh brings me to another level of joy, i don’t. I can't even imagine how boring and sad would my life would be without you, you. You are briningbringing a smile onto my face every second i’mI’m near you, and when youryou're not, iI miss you and hope to see you as fast as possible, you. You are literally so gorgeous, funny, supportive, generous, caring, kind and the most amazing onperson in the whole world, your. You are literally a star who was born on this day, so smile and shine on in the whole world, i’m. I’m also so grateful to be your friend. theThe friendship we have is so true, listening. You listen to me and are so important to me, i. I love you so much more then thethan words can even say, no. No matter what will happen ihappens I will still be there for you, you. You gave me so much support, good advice, increased my sense of purpose, put a smile on my face in hard times, improved my self confidenceself-confidence, and you just changed me to a whole new and better person, i. I love you so much. everyEvery minute of the time we spent together will always stay in my memory, from kindergarten to the future, on. On this lovely day, iI would like to wish you: strength, love, and happiness, lessminus the sad moments, i. I hope all of your wishes come true, all the people around you would be real, and you stay as pretty, asand as smart, as . All my life i didI never regretregretted becoming friends with you. iI only thought how lucky iI was to have you as a best friend, i. I love you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much!!

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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