Mama, today is your Homegoing Celebration. 🕊 It still doesn’t feel real. I listen to old voicemails &and videos just to hear your voice. I have spent the last 3 months learning to accept that God needed you more & I'm doing okokay with that I guess. I hoped & prayed for a miracle, but God called you home. My heart is broken...I miss your presence in my life. You fought a long, hard fight against kidney failure, cancer, strokes, and being legally blind, but now you are at peace & pain freepain-free. Mama, having to continue this life without you is the hardest, most difficult thing I’ve ever had to deal with. The time I had with you will ALWAYS be cherished. AIt's a bond that will never be broken. I thank God for the strength he has allowed me to have. I thank God & you for pushing me to move forward even when I’m at my weakest, or mostmy breaking point. Mama, thank you...Thankthank you for forgivenforgiving all my childhood flaws. youYou stood by my side regardless of all my You loved me beyond words, &and you have forgiven all my mistakes with love. I love you Janice Marie. Thank you for being the most incredible mother to me,. I miss you every minute of every day. I love you so much. untilUntil we meet again, 🕊


The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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