Our Leaders

Sanjar Mavlyanov, CEO
and Founder

Sanjar has more than 15 years experience in the financial and gaming industries. Before establishing Moneff, he was a Director at Avent Consulting firm that provided consultancy services in Compliance,
AML and licensing for EMIs, and e-Gaming industry. He was also a Chief Legal Officer at Offside Gaming, an EU basedEU-based B2B Online gaming platform for 8 years.

Dilshod Mikmanov, CFO and Co-founder

Dilshod is Chief Financial Officer and Co-founder of Moneff. He has 20 years of experience in financial services and auditing at one of
the global accounting companies, KPMG. He was a Lead Finance Manager at PIC, a pension insurance company, for 6 years. He is a member of ICAEW, global professional body for chartered accountants and board member of Microcredit bank.

Bakhtiyor Aliev, COO and Co-founder

Bakhtiyor has led business operations in financial services, oil & gas, and FMCG industries in Europe and South
East Asia. Prior to joining (establishing) Moneff, Bakhtiyor was a Head of Operations at JST Group, one of the leading oil & gas companies in South East Asia, Hong Kong. He was a General Manager at Aurora Media and owned Sytorx Ltd.

Nigora Mavlyanova, Head of Compliance

Nigora was a General
Manager at Avent Consulting firm and advised on Compliance, AML and licensing for EMIs. She has acted as an associate at Lexi Dexi law firm. She holds a multiple qualifications, including a BSc. in International lawLaw from the University of world economyWorld Economy and diplomacyDiplomacy, and ICA Advanced Certificate in Compliance , AML and Terrorist Financing from
the University of Manchester Business School.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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