In the early 1900s, women weren’t given the right to speak for themselves; instead, their husbands were given the authority to make all household decisions. In the short story “ The Yellow Wall-Paper ''Wallpaper”, by Charlotte Perkins Stetson, the narrator and her husband temporarily moved into a house out in the country. They rented that specific house far from the town because the narrator was having problems with “nervous depression”, and because their house was also being renovated. She received medication from her husband (who's a doctor) and her treatment was to do nothing. No working and especially no writtngwriting, only sleeping and eating. She feels, however, as though working or doing something will do her good, so she writes. The whole time the narrator was being controlled by all the men in her life. Letting her know that anything she does or thinks is entirely wrong, along with that, their way was the only way specific situations can happen. Even though her internal voice was telling her that she can do something, her husband always found a way to manipulate her. In “The Yellow Wall-Paper,”Wallpaper”, Charlotte Perkins Stetson uses dialogue to represent the impact of patriarchy on women throughout their lives and to reject mens’ sexist assumptions about women.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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