I always had a strong interest in public government sectors and serveservice to the public. The Superior Court first drew my attention because of the organization’s mission. When people think about the court, they believe theythere are only judges or attorneys or court reporters working here, but I believe that to accomplish this massive mission, there should be judges, attorneys and court reports, but there are also people who are trained and given authority to help in the work. This is where we come in. As a Legal Processing Specialist, my mission is to serve attorneys, judges, law enforcement officials and the public by administering justice by receiving, reviewing and filing court related documents, monitoring post-committal quality control of electronic documents, and explaining the applicable regulations, policies. This will serve and beneficialbenefit to people that justice is not delayed for many people and they will be effectively served. It is said that justice delayed is justice denied, and we have to make sure that justice is not delayed for many people and serve the table, and this will also give us with real responsibility and an opportunity to serve people in meaningful ways and further our work.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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